Josh Wardell’s MINI Cooper S

November 22, 2005

November Motoring

Filed under: — Josh Wardell @ 2:45 pm

There seemed to be less local MINI events this summer than last, but there were more than ever this fall. So many that I could only attend less than half. Here were the most recent two events I joined this month:

On November 5th, a handful of us went driving through the North Shore areas of Mass for “Burning MINIs.” It included a stop at Russell Orchards in Ipswich which had fresh homemade apple cider and apple cider donuts. At the end of the full day of driving, we had a big bonfire and barbecue.

The following Saturday, MINI of Peabody held a huge Care fo Kieth event at the new BMW service facility. As a benefit for Keith Polischuk, they brought in excellent instructors from the Boston BMW CCA 20051113-124359(whom I autocross with over the summer), and held a school for emergency maneuvers and a tight first-gear autocross course. Despite already having my snow tires on, I got one of the fastest times of the day. Over 50 MINIs showed up and it was the first autocross experience for many, and every driver had a huge smile on their face by the end.

I am gradually posting photos of these and previous events in my galleries (I still have photos to process back through MINIsOnTop…over 1000!). In related news, I registered on a spacious server at 1&1 and moved all my photos and videos there. Previously they were all hosted on my Mac at home, which means I may soon be able to sleep with it off for the first time in nine years! You can find all the photo galleries on the left bar of this page.

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