Josh Wardell’s MINI Cooper S

June 23, 2006

Northeast Motoring Calendar

Filed under: — Josh Wardell @ 2:32 pm

It’s getting hard to keep track of the many MINI events in the area lately. Partly due to the summer months and the many events that are going on, but also because the number of mini websites and forums that are popping up. Whereas a year or so ago, it seemed every event was formed and posted in the NYNE Region MINI2 Forums, now you have other forums like NEMINI and independent clubs like OSMC. Furthermore there are several motorsports events with multiple dates.

Sometimes MINI events have their own threads or pages, other times they are just mentioned in passing. Some are organized months ahead of time, others just days. Events may be large or small. But they all have one thing in common: they are a lot of fun and you meet great people. The last thing I would want is anyone to miss an event because they didn’t know about it.

A few months ago I found myself wishing there was a central calendar online to place this information. So I decided to make one myself.

The Northeast Motoring Calendar lists any event I can dig up in the forums or elsewhere. These are of course MINI motoring events in which all are welcome. The goal is to list events of interest to those living in the northeast US, mainly NY, NJ, CT, MA, VT, NH, and ME; not just events in those states but also certain large national events like The Dragon that we might consider making the trek to.

If you know of an event that isn’t listed you can submit an entry that will be emailed for me to enter. For the Geeks, this uses PHP iCalendar and reflects a calendar I keep on my computer in iCal. Please let me know what you think, and if you like it, remember to check it every so often for upcoming events.


  1. Rock on, dude! This is excellent! And I can subscribe with iCal! 🙂

    Comment by blalor — June 23, 2006 @ 4:56 pm

  2. Well, I guess I should say I figured out how to subscribe with iCal, but it wasn’t via any link via the app. That would be a cool thing to make publicly known. 😉

    Comment by blalor — June 23, 2006 @ 5:00 pm

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